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A Different Perspective

Our grass hasn't been cut in quite some time. There were dandelions and a whole lot of other species of grass I don't know the name of. But while I was looking at the dandelion I was wondering what it looked like from underneath.


I am obviously way too big to actually get under the dandelion so I thought why not just use my phone?

So, I put a timer on my phone and set it down to see what I could get. Since I couldn't see the screen the final image was a total surprise.

Definitely didn't get it on the first try. Actually most of these images took a few tries before I got the shot I liked.

And honestly most of the time I didn't even get a photo. My phone is so sensitive that putting it on the ground was enough to change the screen.


I like how the plants look against the clear sky.

I feel like I have been shrunken down and placed in some type of jungle or forest.



There are a few things to keep in mind if you want to try this yourself.

  1. Make sure you find a place away from trees, buildings, or anything that could get in your shot. You want a clear sky to avoid distractions in your photos. Shoot on a cloudy day for a more dramatic image.

  2. Turn on the self timer. Since your phone has to be faced down you won't be able to see the screen or the shutter button. 5 seconds should be enough.

  3. You don't have to put your phone directly on the ground. Most of these shots I tilted my phone a bit toward my subject. This might help with finding your subject a bit better. Also, this keeps your phone screen off the ground so it won't get wet or dirty.

  4. If you have a wide angle lens like I do make sure you take a step back, or lean back if you're holding your phone. I can't tell you how many shots I took with my head in them.

  5. Taller is easier. You don't have to get down in the dirt like I did. In fact, you can get the same results sitting in a field of tall grasses. It's a bit easier because you'll be able to get under your phone and see the screen and create the composition you want.

So, don't cut your grass for a bit. See what grows and take some underneath photos. =) Have fun!

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